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Retrospect Yearbook Cover
Time Line 60's - 70's - 80's - 90's


On June 23, 1985 Sanjay Turlapati, a grade nine student at Woburn and his younger brother Deepak were travelling to India to visit their grandparents for the summer. While passing over the west coast of Ireland their Air India flight crashed into the Atlantic as a result of a bomb which had been placed on the plane in Canada. Sanjay, Deepak and all others on board perished in the explosion.


Sanjay was a popular student in his one year at Woburn. His writing ability was at the top of his class and he was awarded the grade nine creative writing prize. After his death this award was given in his name to that freshman student who reflected Sanjay's skills in creative writing. Deepak, a student at Woburn Junior, looked forward to attending Woburn two years later.

The people of Ahakista on Dunmanus Bay in West Cork Ireland were greatly moved by the tragedy which took place so near their village. The fisherman of the region took part in the extensive recovery effort which took place that summer and, over the years they have been gracious hosts to those who return to visit the sacred shore where so many are remembered.


There is now a garden and a memorial to mark the loss of Air India Flight 182. One can visit, read the names of those lost and say a quiet prayer to their memory. The monument is in the shape of a bronze harp. It stands on the south shore of the Sheep's Head Peninsula and faces the beauty of Mizen Head to the south.

On April 1st of this year (2006) I had the good fortune to visit the memorial and, while there, I left a two small pebbles from the front of Woburn amd Woburn Junior. I also picked up a pebble from the beach which I hope to bring to Woburn sometime in the near future.

There is something about the tranquility of the area which eases some of the trenendous pain of the event. One can't help but wonder what Sanjay might have done with his life had it not been stolen from him but, when you stand there near Ahakista you have to realize that, in some small way his life stiil has a profound impact on those who choose to remember.


R.I.P. Sanjay, R.I.P. Deepak


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